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Revenue Model for Google, and eBay

Google main income is providing marketing services. Its principal products and service are "Google AdWords" and "Google AdSense". "Google AdWords" is a pay per click advertising program. Google is allow the advertisers to put their advertisements to the user through Google search engine while the user is looking for information which related to the advertisers offered. The advertisement will shown as "sponsored link" on the right side of the screen or above the main search results. "Google AdSense" is an advertisement serving program to enable website owners to enroll in the program with text, image and video advertisements on their sites. The revenue will be generated on a per-click or per-thousand-ads-displayed basis., is operating the retail Web sites, as well as provides programs that enable third parties to sell their products on its Web sites internationally. major income is from its books selling and also the transaction fees paid by their customer.

eBay major income is from sales. It is selling various type of products and earn lots of money. eBay's other revenue model is transactions fees by acquired PayPal which created the most advanced proprietary fraud prevention system to create a safe payment solution. eBay also acquired Skype, which is the the world's fastest-growing Internet communication company. It allows people using it online with the software to make free voice or video call unlimited. It generate revenue through its premium user who subscript to make voice or video call to a cell phone.

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